Which Sized Storage Unit Do I Need?

What can I fit in the Clear Storage Hereford 10 foot (80 square foot) storage unit? What if I need more space? What happens after a month I need less or more space?
Wow that’s a lot of questions! However they are questions we are often asked by prospective customers, especially if you haven’t rented a unit from Clear Storage Hereford before.
At Clear Storage we take storage very seriously. We offer extremely clean, dry and secure self storage units in Hereford. However we go that bit further to meet our customers’ needs by offering flexible storage.
If you think you only need a 10 foot (80 square foot) storage unit but when you arrive you need bigger, don’t worry, some of our flexible units actually go up to 160 square feet so you can change your contract and go bigger. You can then also reduce the amount you need should you take items out during your storage period.
On the flip side if you go big, by booking a 20foot (160 square foot) unit and only need 15foot (120 square feet), just simply change your contract and go smaller meaning you only ever pay for the space you use.
Here are some stats on our self storage units:
8 Feet Storage Unit
Size: 64 sq. feet
Cubic Size: 351 cu. ft
Dimensions: 8x8x8 ft
Approx Equivalent To: Small Transit Van
10 Feet Storage Unit
Size: 80 sq. feet
Cubic Size: 500 cu. ft
Dimensions: 10x8x8 ft
Approx Equivalent To: Transit Van
How many large boxes*: 96
15 Feet Storage Unit
Size: 120 sq. ft
Cubic Size: 840 cu. ft
Dimensions: 15x8x8
Approx Equivalent To: Luton Van
How many large boxes*: 144
20 Feet Storage Unit
Size: 160 sq. ft
Cubic Size: 1160 cu. ft
Dimensions: 20x8x8
Approx Equivalent To: 7.5 tonne lorry
How many large boxes*: 192
All these self storage units can be booked on our website, go here for details.
*Large boxes are based on our large storage boxes (45x45x50cm) which we currently sell at our packaging shop onsite.